Beautiful mornings

Pinterest - Beautiful Mornings

As I start this post, I want to make a confession…I’m not a morning person. I’m probably not your favourite person to see in the morning (think like: anything between 4:00am to erm, 10:00am{ish}—okay, stop your judging eyes.) Oh yes, I also have to wake up  for work and all but when I do so you might just probably want to get out of the way or keep your voice and energy down to the minimum because I have little tolerace during these hours…

So why did you even title this post “beautiful mornings” when you would rather sleep your bum-self off, you ask? Honestly, I also don’t know…I would probably still choose starry dark skies over that harsh and bright sun anytime (in fact, here I am with my caffeine-loaded system typing {happily and energetically} away this blog during midnight with my other owl friends housemates.) But…there has been something different, almost surreal feeling about my mornings lately…something that makes me open little by little my eyes and welcome the rays of the sun with a surprising gladness in my heart.

As I was musing about how my mornings has become more beautiful each passing day, I realized this change of heart with how I face the brand new day literally is the result of the grace that comes from God alone. I just knew that this was not because the day holds exciting things at work {which is not always the case} or that I have just woken up from a fairy-tale like dream but I realized that each morning IS beautiful because of just how awesome and great my God is!

This realization is actually more of a reminder for me with how I should view each day literally or figuratively speaking—to welcome each day with excitement to how God’s glory be displayed and gratefulness with how God has been so faithful in my life.

And so here are some few random things that make me realize how beautiful each morning is:

♡ that gentle breeze of morning air + warm sunny rays waking me up in the morning.

♡ birds happily chirping their morning song from the tree near my window.

♡ my dog, Chuckie greeting me with his good-morning-can-i-get-my-breakfast-now-please body stretch.

♡ beating my alarm clock (lol).

♡ mom as the first caller of the day asking me how I am feeling and reminding me that eating at the right time is the most important of all (mama’s girl right here).

But you know what truly makes our morning soo beautiful every single day no matter what the day holds or what happened yesterday? It is the presence of God manifest through His word. I wouldn’t even put myself open to debate with that. Hands down, with us being refreshed with the presence of God first thing in the morning is the ultimate booster of all.

Need encouragement for today? Read the Bible. Afraid or simply clueless with what the day holds? Pray. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t like a quick remedy scheme for all of life’s worry but it’s more of an everyday growing attitude of trusting who holds our day.  And honestly, this is my personal prayer for this season in my life, that I would grow knowing and trusting God. That no matter how cranky or anxious or weary or just simply broken I get in the morning because of this and that, I will trust Him because HE HOLDS MY DAY…in fact, He holds all the days of my life and He knew what will unfold in them even before one of them came to be.

I know I could hold on to God and declare my morning, even noon, and evening to be beautiful because He made all of them. Isn’t that amazing??? That with all of life’s uncertainties and drastic (sometimes subtle) changes, we can be secured and be worry-free? Because we have a God who saw and is the Beginning and the End—a God who cares, a God who sustains, a God who will never fail, a God who hears all our prayers, THE GOD who is the same yesterday, today and forever.

I love this verse in Psalms…

Psalm 3-5To beautiful mornings and beyond! ♡