30 adventures before turning 30!


I think hitting the big 3-0 is a major thing, do you agree? :) Just thinking what kind of a person I’ve become and what experiences have I gone through when I reach that age gives me this huge sense of excitement of what God has in store for next coming years.

Being fully secured that God has indeed planned something so amazing ahead of me, here are some adventures my heart’s desiring to do before I turn 30! :)

*Inspired by the wonderful woman of faith and traveler Casey

1. Read and study the whole Bible in one year.
2. Travel alone outside of the country.
3. Achieve and maintain my normal BMI and body fat percentage.
4. Complete a 10k race.
5. Live abroad for one whole year.
6. Build a snowman :) Experience white Christmas.
7. Invest in the stock market.
8. Attend a major concert.
9. Record an album of the songs I wrote…
10. Learn another local and foreign language semi-fluently.
11. Go to all the three major islands of the Philippines. (Luzon, Vizayas, Mindanao)
12. Soul searching in Seoul (and Jeju), SK. ;)
13. DIY makeover my room.
14. Set up a reading nook.
15. Celebrate one of my birthdays in a charity institution/community.
16. Go to an out-of-town get away with high school best friends!
17. Get a professional driving license.
18. Sit in a plane’s cockpit.
19. Do scuba diving and swim with dolphins/whales.
20. Learn how to ride a bike.
21. Ride in a hot air balloon.
22. Complete a voice/music lesson with a professional teacher.
23. Take a painting class.
24. Study karate.
25. Attend Every Nation Conference held outside the country.
26. Start and sustain a garden.
27. Drive-in movie watching.
28. Experience four seasons.
29. Go in a mission trip to Assyria, Egypt and Israel.
30. Get married. ♡
Come and take a leap of faith with me in looking forward to see these exciting quests come to pass!!! Here’s to the best things that are yet to come! :)

 *Featured Image {via}